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Saturday, September 29, 2007

The beginning of the end...

so disappointed yesterday to see a good door lying in ruins. Some might say that its jut a door. But i think it speaks about us. Perhaps we are all too concerned for ourselves to care about what is around us. What next? the lights? fans? projector screen?

So much for our 'care project'... We care so much for animals. Much more than for humans. Much more than the things around us... I guess the more we have, the less we care.

Anyway, the "end" is near. But then its just beginning. Persevere and try your best 1EA. Give it your best shot.

I will be marking furiously too. :-)

Powered by ScribeFire.

7:21 AM

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I.......can giv u gatsby....gatsby....gatsby....
yo guys todae mi turn to blog...woo...got our tiepins of the councillor!!!exams coming liaoz...u all prepare le mahhs?quickly end lehz...i still wan play my com de lehz....haiz...o ya sae until com mi lvl 46 liaoz...too bad still lose to keven...sob..btw tis is some of my pics of my character...

lol all crazy... (tokin bout pic of the upper one) my cous gd? yea...maybi i tink so....

cool guy rite?buster so cool...next time i gonna bi like tis...

killed a rombot... lousy lar..nah...

wat strong monsters...hard time there...ouch...


1:06 AM

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

izit 25 sept 2dae?
i supposed 2 update on 9 sept 1 leh...
paiseh hor all 1ea-ians...
y class blog no songs sia?
den melissa stil call me listen...
gt back my maths test...
i won't say the marks out...
but jonathan everytime win me...
i xtremely buai song...
2dae mid autumn fest but i can't c any moon 2dae...
haiz... =/
gotta fly...

love, xinyuan =D

5:42 AM

today my turn to blog and it happens to be mooncake festival too..
dunno wad to write liao :X
hope every1 scores well in his exams good luck everybody :)

1:18 AM

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hi!! this is my first time post leh....
I took hours to find out about
how to post this thing lor!!T_T
Dont know what to writte leh>>
fengfeng here

10:17 PM

Sianz exams coming,studying hard now and playing lesser now
if any1 haven started on ur studies start it now or it will be to late
as next week the exams will be started.
Whee i got full marks for maths class test.

Gd luck to everi1 in their exams

3:16 AM

My house area had a mid-autumn festival celebration yesterday and so many people went to see what is going on including me. Last time, I had lanterns to play with but now, I feel that the celebration is not as interesting as before now. Exams are coming but I have not studied.I need to start now or it might be too late. I cannot wait for the exams to end.

Sean wishing every one good luck in their exams

3:00 AM

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hellos Guys.
Sorry for the late post, because yesterdays i was busy doing English Homework.
As your all know it was ALOT. Lols.

Alright,Exam is coming soon. have your start to prepare for it?
If haven't yet.I think you better start it now.
2 weeks pass very fast. Seize the chance to study now.
Okok, i stop my nagging. Lols.

Erm, last Sat. i was walking home after my tuition.
On the way,there was a man walking towards my direction.
And when he saw me, he gives me a Big Smile .
Woah.Dun know why,that moment i felt so happy. i smile back.
and i realise how nice the feeling is when someone smile at you .

Yup. sometimes, a smile can brighten up other people's day.
do you agree?
I strongly agree.

Hahaha. Btw, My english not really that Good. So try to Understand it and dun mistaken it as the person is a guy.LOLS.

People! Study Hard.
Jiayou for Everything. ^^.

#Zhang Jun

5:49 AM

why isnt anyone updating the blog?
haiz. how i wish i can get my phone back!
i've learnt my lesson )':
and now, i'm paying $40++ per month for nothing.
cries cries cries.
12 more days to EOY exams.


3:38 AM

Thursday, September 13, 2007

mmm... hahas.
miie back. lols.
now i don know wat to say leh.
say wat? mmm. ok.
wat to say??? lols.
today's lesson... mmm
1st is geograph... nth to say..
2nd is chinese also nth to say..
3rd is recess.. also also nth to say
4th is SEL...
we did a survey abt the most bla bla bla person in our class.
mmmm. quite fun. lols. is confidential but
some ppl still shout out wat they writing lols.
some questions don know who to write..

5th is history! ya, know wat to say le...
mmm. mr rajan nvr come today..
so we have our free time.
then me, melissa, zhang jun n regina discussing abt class camp.
then keqin, keven n mervin started to play with the milo tin.
throw here n throw there. when the tin drop, the noise is super sharp n loud.
my ear drums wanna spoil liao la.
after tat, when we discussed until halfway, all the boys started playing 3 blind mice.
omg.. so noisy until the teacher cannot stand it n say stop play.
lols. peace man. but is almost eng period le.

after tat, eng period.
we discussed abt the earthquake last night...
mmm. so scary man!
i was playing my computer game,
then suddenly shake..
i thought is my illusion or giddy..
i don care but continue playing.
after awhile don have le.
i nvr thought of earthquake tat time until regina sms me said tat there were earthquake.
it was quite fun actually, (without knowing IT IS AN EARTHQUAKE..)
then they said 10 plus at night still have 1 more but i was sound asleep.
i slept at 9 yesterday. but today still very tired.
lols. then tis morning,
i was leaning at the notice board near teacher's table.
then suddenly i felt shaky. then i ask regina whether she got feel.
she stared at me n stopped wat she doing n say, "got leh.."
lols. so funny( bibi... no offence)
lols. then we asked siying, julien n yenzhi. all say don have.
onli we 2 felt it. then we thought we 2 hu si luan xiang.
during SEL period, mr lim said tat there was another in the morning.
so tat 1 is real lor. yeah. hahas.

so long man!
lols. mmm. ok la. gtg le..
bye bye guys!

cheerful always,
lingling XD

4:10 AM

..i am so bored!!...

sigh..i am wondering a question
for 30 mins now after i read a article
from the new paper..the question is:
if a teacher confesses he is a gay on his
blog,is he wrong?...there are people tat tink
he should keep his personal matters to himself
but i tink he juz being honest and after all,he
said tat tat post is for his friends and colleagues..
he also have since taken down the post when he
realised there are his students reading it..
i tink a teacher job is to teach and to make students into
leaders of the future..it is not a matter of being or not
being a gay..he have also clarified he got no intention
of advocating homosexuality to students..i tink he is really
brave to admit it..a gay teacher to teach should be alrite..
of coz,provided he is a gd teacher..

hahas..too bored liao..little bit of a weird topic for class blog..
i am very glad to have a great teacher like mr lim:)

1:59 AM

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

my turn to blog!
today was sooooooooo boring.
i keep going to sleep = =
like keep nod-ing the head.
so go use yiling water to wash face XD

found a funny pic :D
the point is to not always stay home and use com (thats wad i always do)


7:10 AM

:0 Earthquake hits Singapore...
7.9 earthquake in Indonesia Jakarta.
& indonesia is giving out Tsunami alert
West Sumatra has got building collaspes
ooh, i'm afraid Tsunami would hit Singapore
i wont wanna die so young.
my bros was telling everyone staying on the 11th storey of my HDB block
to take the stairs down to the void deck in case the building collaspes.
my dad wasnt home yet, i was so afraid.
mum grabbed all our ICs and Birth cert and we went to the void deck.
My 7 year old neighbour was so scared, she grab on my hand so tight.
Babies were crying and dogs were barking at the void deck.
everything just seem so dramatic but scary.
what if the HDB block really collaspes.
what can we do to help at that point of time?
i felt really sad for people in Indonesia Jakarta.
they always get hit by the Earthquakes.
hopefully, the Tsunami continue sleeping, i wont want Mr Tsunami to visit all of us.
imagine- what IF Tsunami really hits Singapore?
              the whole of Spore will be in the water!
oh my gosh, thats just too big for me to imagine.
i want world peace, no earthquakes no nothing.
i shall end this terrifying post now.

SiYing (:

5:32 AM

hey guys,very sry for posting late.

last warning for the spammer:
you think spamming is fun?you think 1EA-ians will just let this matter rest and not scold you or whatever.you like it if others scold you in yr blog?
AND,this blog belongs to 1ea okay.it's not a place for you to spam and insult one of us.it's wrong to lie and you said you weren't from brd.so pls get lost and we don't welcome you.READ IT,

now for my post:
woot guys.a yr is going to pass soon.let's just work hard and must still remain the best class !
and, pls tell zhang jun what song you guys want to sing during the class camp.
it's a must and some couples will be chosen to sing duets !
so pray god if you don't wanna get chosen:D
seems like everybody is studying hard so i gotta study hard too !


4:49 AM

Sunday, September 9, 2007

today start school le.. what the hell la..
ok blogging early in the morning, cos i am planing not to sleep
so if tmr i have panda eyes, dont blame me..
ok i cant blog the 7th
so blogging now
dont ask me why..
ehh.. the whole week i cant go on msn and internet
cant even on my com
so.. ya..
ok, i am here to announce that JOCELYN is sooo pretty!!!
she leave fringe and reborn her hair
omgosh, she is just heaven
andd!! i am here to annouce that..
so study study!
1ea never fails (excluding me.. i always fail -__-)

9:16 AM

2day of course not my turn to blog
but becoz my com siao liao sometimes
got internet sometime dun hab tats
why now got then i juz blog earlier lor..
2day is the last day of the 1 week long
holidays and sad...i havent do finished
any of my hw!!i muz quickly do or else
2moro i really die..maths hw is really
hard..i stare at it for 30mins liao but
havent do a single question..Dnt i gib up..
i hate my holidays..nothing to do spend
all my time sleeping like a log..forgot all
the hw..regret!!i miss everyone in 1EA!!
spend the last few hrs properly..after 12
midnite,a new day,a new start..study hard
for the upcoming exams!!jiayou!

12:49 AM

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Hello 1EA! :D
Looks like it's my turn to blog((:
Hmm. Here to describe my one week holiday.
Monday: Went out with my mum
Tuesday: Went out with my sis
Wednesday: At home the whole day
Thursday: At home the whole day
Friday: At home the whole day
Saturday(Which is today): At home the whole day.

Ain't this a boring holiday for me?
Of course, exams are round the corner.
So, studying was included in my holiday life too.Hahas.
Yea, finish describing my holiday((:


12:18 AM

Thursday, September 6, 2007

opps! sorry for the late posting. was busy studying at home and at the library yesterday.
ohoh, by the way, GOOD MORNING 1ea-ians. (:
well, i was at Toa Payoh library yesterday.
couldn't find a studying area at the adults corner, so i went to the kids corner.
luckily, i could find a proper seat and started studying. (:
took a kid's hard coverbook as a "table" and did my maths.
some kids were screaming and running around.
in my mind, i was thinking; why does kids run about and yet the librarians did not bother to scold them?
and their parents did not even bother to tell them to keep quiet?
what on earth is library to them huh?
air-conditioned playground?
its like omgosh-just get your kids to shut up or get out...
people  is trying to study here!!! ):<

alright, i guess thats all for today- i'm still quite angry about it.

with love,

8:19 PM

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

a little not suitable
for the class blog
buuuuuut melissa said it was funny
so put lorrr


6:53 AM

yoyo!!pauline's here!!these r the videos that were taken during the class party on teachers day..see see!!

1:07 AM

Monday, September 3, 2007

A big thank you to all of you!

Before I get busy with work all over again, I just want to say thank you to all of YOU. I love the card you all wrote. Its the biggest I've received in my life. Thanks ZJ for taking the effort to put it all together. Han Yong, the submarine was a good joke indeed. Keven, the little pig represents me? Sorry I am not able to really write about each and everyone of you but I want you all to know that you all are very dear to me and I thank you for your heart in serving the class through big ways and small ways and most times serving even when no one sees your effort.

I think we have come a long way since January and though many things have stretched us and tested our PATIENCE, I think you all did well. We have really accomplished a lot in the little time we have.

Let's continue to persevere. The end of the year is very near. Even as we work hard to achieve good results in our examinations, lets not forget to care and encourage one another to do likewise.

Ps. Gabriel, please come to school regularly and punctually, the class is not complete without you! :o)

Thank you 1EA. I love you all too.

Mr Lim

8:15 PM

this post is a try-out.
can someone see the title?

12:00 AM

Sunday, September 2, 2007

hello :D
happy belated teacher's day (:
the performances were great , yeahs .
fusion dance's item was the third, so we were kind of nervous .
but it all turned out well i guess.
the other performances were uber nice and funny.
oh, and mr lim sang o.o
it was nice luhs, but there was a part he went ~~
whoops :x
uh, and happy holidays ?


7:13 PM

oh my gosh!!!
forgotten to post...
nevermind la...

dunno wad to write...
so can i dont write???
i guess mr lim's answer would be.....NO!

by the way, can do something bout the song???
i wanted to sneak to play maple at 2 in the morning,
but when i open the class blog, it woked my family up instantly...
then i was banned from playing...
not fair sia...

by the way is woke already the past tense??? or woked???

xueting =)
(psps: mr lim and keven and keqin mommy, if keven and keqin still call me doraemon, dont blame me if you one day, sees k and k dead bodys on the ground without their head, while their head would be in the toilet bowl)

4:32 AM

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
nice rite. (i like taking pic of sky) :b
starting of the day
wondering wad will happen later.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
(can see zhangjun beautiful hair lol)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
ppl & more ppl

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
im good at clearing stuff
ok larh so i just took the other pic from another table
but still :X

and now it time for the purpose of this whole post

mr lim is really good at singing (:
(our teacher of cos good hor) haha :b

and sry about the noise
i cant do anything about that :/
cannot take video well
hand got prob
anddddd sry about someone head*


12:19 AM


Best viewed in FF(and maybe IE).
Site opened since:a couple of mths ago(:
Site owner:1EA'o7 OF BROADRICK
other classes' members are welcome to tag
enjoy the songs:D

the ownerS

1EA 2007

%1 Ang Xue Ting.
%2 Angel Wong.
%3 Ashley Yeo.
%4 Pauline Chang.
%5 Debbie Chua Hui Lin.
%6 Foo Si Ying.
%7 Julien Lau Yu Lin.
%8 Koh Hui Shi Regina.
%9 Kok Xin Yuan.
%10 Lam Mei Chi.
%11 Melissa Kwan Shi Jing.
%12 Ng Yen Zhi.
%13 Ong Yi Ling.
%14 Siti Nur Faizah Bte Muhammad N.
%15 Teo Tan Lin Jocelyn.
%16 Yong Ying Yun Chloe.
%17 Zhang jun

%18 Chan Han Yong.
%19 Chew Ke Qin.
%20 Gabriel Phung.
%21 Gao Feng Feng.
%22 Jonathan Fong.
%23 Mervin Leong.
%24 Sean Loh.
%25 Seow Zi Xing.
%26 Keven Teo.
%27 Thio Eng Leong.

{Form/Science/SEL} Mr Jonathan Lim
{English} Mrs Saha
{Maths} Miss Han
{Chinese} Madam Gai
{Science} Mr JonathanLim
{History} Mr Rajan
{Geography} Mrs LeeSiuWah
{Literature} Mrs MabelSoh
{Music} Mr Nizam
{DNT} Mr Gan and Mr Salahudeen {Home Econs} Mdm Nooraishah/Mrs AliciaChen
{Project Work} Mr Lee
{Pastoral Care} Mr Ghazali
{Physical Education} Mr StanleyTan


dignified exit



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  • credits

    Layout made by Tiara!
    Most brushes used were from:Juvenilecasualty.net
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    Imgs used:foto_decadent