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Friday, August 31, 2007

haha, emo? emoemo sounds like elmo elmo!
and elmo isnt emo.. o_O

PSPS: its always raining -___- who can be in a good mood when it is RAINING?!
and the more u sleep the more tired u are.. its scientificly proven (:
thats why i sleep 5-7hours.. rather than 13hours straight which i tried before, it made me sleep for another 6hours.. -__- and i hate wasting time
but then again, when u sleep u are growing u know.. (: the more u sleep the more u grow
isnt that good?!

ok lets go back to the main point..
oh ya, mrlim shouldnt join sg idol, he should join superstar (:
nono, i want him to be my teacher all the way!!!

to keven: -__- just trying to take ur photo why u so xiao qi de.. ):<

btw, this century is girls bully guys, so dont be surprised when u saw a guy being beaten up by girls, haha!!
ok i think i will chiong on homework today then the rest of the week i can play!!


2:28 AM

whee- Mr Lim sang SO well on stage just now.
Mr Lim, you should join singapore idol next time!! =D
oh. dance was really frightening just now.
people are laughing and laughing.
and i felt so STRESSED. =\
dance one wrong step. =(
the class party was fun. all i ate was my MARSHMELLOW! =)
gotten back our report slip.
i failed four AGAIN but managed to pass my maths this time.
this is still considered as improvement right?
no matter what, happy teachers day to all! =)

with lots of love,

12:54 AM

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

2 mor daes to teacher's dae!!! gratz gratz teacher u may receive a whole lot of presents lehz...sad part is, still nid to hand in hw on tat dae...btw here is another pic of my character...now not wif bathrobe....cool?nah...maybi not...

(REMINDER:bring ur ex.14.4 to skool on teacher's dae...i nid to collect to giv miss han...)(dun tian mah fan to mi hor...)


5:47 AM

I wonder why our posts do not come with titles. I type titles for every of my posts but it does not appear. Melissa, has it to do with the settings? Please help.
Was knocked out yesterday night. Slept from 8pm till morning and I still feel tired. I think this term has worn me out very much. Nevertheless, there are bad days, and there are good days.
Before I forget, announcement:
pZXZx CLASS PARTY!!! jhfer
date: 31/08/07
time: 1010 - 1110
venue: school canteen
You all organise among yourselves, i will buy drinks and fruit tarts.

back to my post, today I attended a workshop with the teachers and learnt about how to deal with emergencies when a crisis strikes the country. I became more aware of the dangers and that it can actually be quite chaotic if one does strike us.
Do we carry on with school? How do we ensure the safety of everyone? T
hese questions are hard to answer because these are unwelcomed scenarios to face. But we have to face reality, one day we'll all meet with some crises or another. Its better to be prepared to deal with changes than suffer a breakdown when overwhelmed by a sudden crises.
I thought about a possible crisis that might happen to me in future. What if something were to happen to me or my family members one day? Say, i become with an illness that does not allow me to teach anymore. What should I do? Its going to be worse for my family as I become a burden to them. But like it or not, its a gift to be healthy. Even if I am not healthy due to some accidents, I must choose to live life to the fullest. Just think: How much of PS2 or apple ipod can make one happy when we are in those crises? Personally, I know it will depend a lot on myself and the friends I have to support me through those time...
Enough of ifs... I'll cherish each day as it comes. Even if things do turn for the worse, I'll have to learn to be strong despite it.
Wow, my longest entry thus far. three more days before I am off duty. Can't wait. :)

A photo before I go. Keven and his glooey encounter.....

2:42 AM

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

its MR LIM's turn to BlOG today!
alright. school was okayy.
but my nose AIN'T okay.
i guess its because of DnT,and my nose are sensitive.
Sawing the woods needs a STRONG hand and a good imune system i guess.
and now... i look like a little raindeer. =( my nose is VERY RED.
how am i suppose to go to school tmr?
i've no MC. mum didnt bring me to the clinic. ='(
i'm afraid that i might pass my virus to 1ea-ians.
ohoh. Keven look really sick;
Keven;Get Well Soon =)
oh.it rained ALOT too- and that worsen my cold =( WHY, WHY ME!?!
i didnt have the chance to see the eclipse as mentioned by
mr Rahmat through the PA system. =(
i've never gonna have a chance to watch it again in my LIFE.

and now; i got NO appetite to take my dinner.
i'm sneezing like crazy and no one cares. =(
and thanks Keqin for trying to HIT my nose to make me sneeze.
good try though it didnt work =P
thanks Julien and Xinyuan too for Providing a LARGE amount of Tissue Paper =P
Thats all for today!

With love to 1ea-ians,
she's the raindeer for the next few days :D

psps: i agree with mr lim, 1ea-ians cannot be
EMO. Happy is what a class should be like!

5:46 AM

Monday, August 27, 2007

yoyo sry for late postin ytd got slight headache...Mr Lim u wont mind rite?being a councillor veri tough man...but can knoe mor frends is gd...but every mornin mus go duty...so neglected my frends...at recces oso dio neglected agane...onli in class then can tok...haiz...dun sae le...o ya...sundae mi,jonathan,ke qin and keven went to sean's hs....wah...his hs veri big sia... tv oso so big....my eyes wan pop up liao loh...we do sel project there....wah...the picture find until so long then finish sia...until bout 3-4 den finish de....we den ltr go play his ps2 nice sia!sean always win de not fair!!!sobsoband i always close to winnin him lor...haiz...suan le gtg le lar....next month den sae mor bout other tings...bb go play maple le btw tis is my pic of mi maple character...nice?aiyo...mi paiseh lehz...wearin bathrobe....k lar bb
caobinleong aka leobspare or leobspareman...

11:45 PM

Been a rather busy day. Full day of teaching plus a few opportunities of being angry with students. Sometimes, I wish I can be more patient that what I am. Then again, I think it's also important to stress what is right to my dear class. (some were banging the whiteboard, speaking while others were presenting and also others who were skipping the IT lessons...)

Zhang Jun is right, everyone seems to be moody. But its not enough to just say that. I wish there were students who would insist on spreading joy and encouragements no matter what is the situation. Why don't we have more students with good moods? Not that we should fake one, but sometimes, pitying ourselves doesn't help anything. We only add on to our hopelessness.

I can't do it on my own though. I need people who would stand with me and smile through the times, both good and bad. In this aspect, I guess no one is really that outstanding. Everyone just wants to be the ordinary guy/gal with the emo look nowadays. Either that, or people would prefer to exchange 'cold showers' in the hope of making oneself 'sound superior' over the other.

I wish that somehow one day, someone will rise to the occasion and be that joy-giver for us all in the classroom. In the meantime, I'll have to learn a few more lame jokes. Pardon me.

Mr Lim

7:51 AM

ok, i pity our class blog sometimes o_O
wonder why wonder why..
whose turn to blog today why never blog?!
ehh.. engleong..
ya.. (:
ok i might as well blog on his behalf?

look!! i love MINI!! mini? what stupid name is that?
well this dog is really smaller than medium..
one day i will show u its actual size..
awww.. i got 3dogs btw o_O
this is the cutest..
most fur..
most hyper active,
hey! i just found a partner that is just the same as me!!
t'cher day coming le..
mrlim what u want..?
a mug? a kite?
an empty box which i can say is filled with thankyous from us?
or just a card?
or roses which u can take out our tags and give to ur girlfriend for free?
or what?
well that was all i can think of o_O
i hate, and i will repeat it again, I HATE CRACKING MY BRAINS.
and tmr got science test right? what chapter to learn ar?
ok, i'll end here.. i wana play maple le, byebye!!

7:48 AM

Sunday, August 26, 2007

haiz..........sit here for 1 and a half hour,buttock oso swollen liao.... juz to write sth dumb....zzzzzz..........errr...........lets start .....today i go to Sean's house wif Jonathan,KeQin and EngLeong.....we do the project seriously......spending afew hours on it.........then we start to play......play PS2.......sound childish arggg????yea it is quite but it is veri fun and exciting.......we play till about 4.45pm then go home........eat dinner...then study......then SLEEP!!OK goodnite all, going to sleep soon..........................

6:54 AM

ytd suppose to be my turn to blog but i forgot....
sianz dunno wad to write...
i went tuition on saturday
today i went out with friend watch movie..

6:22 AM

Hello everyone
srry i'm four days late coz dun noe wad to write...
Today me,Eng Leong,Ke Qin and Keven went to Sean's house to do the SEL
project,we finished the project at 3 something then we play PS 2 and then 4
something i went home :)
Nothing to do at home....only play maple or dota so sian........
Sian 2moro nid go school le.Looking forward to the September holiday :D

5:43 AM

erm....wad 2 post,........
i only know tat i am sick from sat to wed.
and when i came back i had some homework to do.
after schl ms han gav me a test
sat and sun nothing much happen juz tuition
hm.....................tmr we r having P.E.
i hope i wont "faint"
tchrs day coming soon

5:35 AM

yo!!sorie i am late 5 days in blogging..
tis few days the weather sometimeshot,sometimes cold
better take gd care of yrself..2day is the 26 of aug..
if i am rite,2day is yiling b-day..happy birthday!!
you are now 13!!hahas..nothing more to write..
so i think i end here..


4:29 AM

Friday, August 24, 2007

its pretty boring on saturday and sunday;
theres nothing much to do... other than housework, homeworks and bathing the dog.
alright. friends are not with you on saturday and sunday,
and that makes it pretty much BORING.
i guess, friends are the most important part of our life, am i right?
one more thing, why so little boys blog de?
hmm, lets see. its 25th and so, its ZIXING's turn to bloggie.
lets wait for his post to turn up and entertain us ba.

summary; Saturday is boring, theres no one at home!

with love,

9:20 PM

hellos everyones~
uh im four days late but, who cares anyways.
alright.. uh.. im here to blog, and.. i shall start
hmm. today, we had, mother tongue,
science, project work and english
i had lots of fun today and learnt many many things,
which is too long to be written here so.. uh,
i've nth else to say.


8:18 AM

Hi everyone.It is my first time blogging.I went to the Chinatown Heitage Centre yesterday and it was crowded.I learnt about what happened when the people from China came to Singapore in a ship called the Chinese Junk.I wonder why they named it that way.Well, today may be a bad day for me. I got involved in a debate and I was not prepared, but i just let nature take its course and saw how it goes and it was just fine. Even though I watched The Arena yesterday, it did not help me much but in the end our group won.I think we owe it to Mervin and the other group members who helped a lot.

7:08 AM

yoyo!! today sooooooooooo cooooold!! rain and rain and rain..
i wonder why the weather nowadays always rain de..
some parts of the world snowing i guess? o_O
today sean turn to blog eh?
he asking me how to blog -_________-
so late then find out ar.. diao
i guess i very evil leh
cos i tell him "go figure it out urself"
hmmm.. teachers day round the corner..
lets think of wad suprise to give the teachers?
bring a rat to school and stuff it in their pencil box!!
haha.. and i will be sent to detention ._.
just hope no caning la..
but where to find so many rats? ehhhh..
*goes to toy shop buy tons and tons of rubber rats*
haha!! this is what i call 'USING YOUR BRAINS'
so teachers better beware~~~~~
sean sean!! post something more interesting-er than mine!!
'interesting-er' wad stupid language is tat -____-
got right? interestinger.. sounds weird leh.. but should have de la..
haha, sorry people.. SOMEONE ban me from taking pictures in class..
no la, jkjk, i just dont want my hp to get confiscated ._.


7:04 AM

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Itallian man: one day i go to the mountain to pick a hotel, in the morning i go down to eat the breakfast, i asked the waitress to bring me 2 pieces of toast, but she brings me only 1 piece, i tell her i want to piece(piss). But she tell me to go to the toilet! I say you don't understand i want to piece on the plate! She said u better no piece on the plate you sonmofthabeach! Later i go to eat at tha bigga restaurant, the table has a spoon and a knife but no fork. I call the waitress, i tell her i wanna de fork, she tells me everybody wanna fork! I tell her u don't understand? I want to forkka on the table! She said you better no fork on the table u sonmofthabeach! Later i go back to my home in the hotel, there are no sheets on the bed! Call the manager, i tell him i wantta sheet! He said go to the toilet! I said u don't understand i wantta sheet on my bedda! He said u better no sheet on the bed u sonmofthabeach! I went down to the check out counter and the guy at the counter said peace on you! I said piss on you too u sonmofthabeach! im going back to Italy! i'm leaving here!

5:58 AM

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

sry 2 all 1ea-ians...
i now den blog...
actually i supposed 2 blog on national dae...
but meli nv gimme permission...
so i goin say abt the chaotic scene in class 2dae...
mr lim wanted to test us abt the things we learn for science these few wks...
so we had competition between the boys n the girls...
Girls rox!!!
so girls win... =D
so damn excitin lor...
but damn noisy...
especially when a lot of girls shouted lyk hell...
but guys lost coz they were gentleman... n they didn't want we girls to LOSE FACE... tat's wat mr lim said n i totally disagree with it... =/
it realli fun n exciting n educational so i hope mr lim will 'organise' it again... =D
with lots of luv... <3
xinyuan =D

3:57 AM

Friday, August 17, 2007

Hello Guys..
Guess Today is what date? ..
Today is 17.Aug.2007
So its my turn to blog !...

Lets start with the weather...
Erm..Today is a Rainy day.. the sky was grey in colour.
wooo..what a nice day for people to emo?
Everyone seems very moody nowadays,and not really cooperating with each other .
What is happening?and why we are behave in this way? i dont know.
All i want to say is "EVERYONE, CHEERUP..and Cooperate with each other"
Nomatter what had happened..You can over come it. Together we can.

alright..can't think of anything to write now.
School is fun ,but stress is driving me or maybe US crazy..LOLs
Nvm..JIAYOU everyone.. SA2 is around the corner..
We have to work hard to achieve the best result..

#Zhang Jun.

Hohoho..tomorrow is boys turn ^^.

5:13 AM

Thursday, August 16, 2007

hello ONE-EA-ians.
its obviously not my turn to blog.
but i'm just posting a post to ask you guys..
if you want to join the so called "show", acting out a teacher.
do inform me if you want to join, you have to get the form from me.

there must be AT LEAST two participants...
thanks alot! =D

with lots of love to 1ea,

psps: my SWEEETEST memories comes from 1ea 07'

4:49 AM

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

sry for late post...jus received the email that melissa sent...er.i dunno wat to write..today's lessons were fun and the whole class were quite noisy..we enjoyed ourselves today except that a classmate was absent today.we had only a hw today,n that's maths!i've had quite a hard time learning the linear graph thing..but i still managed to sort of 'master' it..btw,1EA is the best class in my whole entire life!1EA ROX!!!

i'm pauline anyways...n RYOMA ROX!!

1:19 AM

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sorry for late posting ...I finally found my way here after so many weeks... I usually don't use computers unless if I really have to ... in fact I don't know how to save something into a cd ,print or others things...the only thing I know is using a micro softword to type only...sorry if this is not nicely decorated like the rest as I still haven't learn how to decorate yet...and again sorry for late posting...is this ok? Cause I don't know what to write...and thank you Melissa,Regina and the others for answering my question on what is a blog and helping me to get into this blog...

5:28 AM

Monday, August 13, 2007

YOYOYO, guys! Hey, man!
oh man, today so hyper-active. HAHAS.LOL.heh :P
mmm... lets see what can we talk about. OH YA!
today is CHUA FENG LING'S birthday! woo~
for your information, Fengling is a girl from 1EB!
she is a good friend of mine and many many people from 1EA!


hahas.lol. mmm. nothing to say leh. haiz.
lets talk about today's IT lesson bahh.
erm.. we learnt the DREAMWEAVER thingythingy.
i had done the index.... BUT! in the end IT WAS ALL GONE!
omg... i have to do the whole thingy again next week!!!!
I WANNA DIE! haiz..
girlguide spirit: DON GIVE UP!

lol. haiz. such a long post?!? omg. hahas. to me, it's very long le, ok?
okok, last thing i wanna say is.... not only girl guides must have the spirit of DON GIVE UP,
it also goes to everyone here!
don give up when u face some difficulties in life, think of ways to overcome it.
don let it become a burden of urself.
ok. muz remember ah!

cheerful always,
lingling :D

4:30 AM

Sunday, August 12, 2007

its august 12
my turn to blog.
really lar is like nothing to blog but still im going to try
enjoying ur holidays?
did went out twice
when to vivo the watch secret
love it ok
for those who haven watch
ok i hav no idea wad to blog and im just putting crap here
im so stupid ):

erm eat more fruits and vegetables

be more gia kia and study more

do hwk

good boy/girl

-.- nothing better to blog.

and hor sry arh
cant find any pic to put.
so let u see a funny video

Hossan Leong...

YENZHI sucks (you can edit the time and date coz this time and date is wrong:/)

3:33 PM

ytd suppose to be my turn to blog but i forget:x
okok.now,let's talk abt what you want to be when you grow up.
hmm.i want to be air stewardess.
the reason is because i think flying is fun and siying also want to be air stewardess.
haha.but then,my cousin says to be a air stewardess,an "A" level cert is needed and if i want to get in easily,i need an university degree sia.arhhh.can die!!
hais.but no choice,must work hard for the sake of getting to go to other countries and earn lotsa lotsa money !!!
in a few more months,we have to take the END OF YEAR EXAMS LIAO !
everyone study hard wor:DDDD
let's get the highest average in all the 1E classes.
and i have to win jocelyn and keven.
wth.see.my life so difficult.
hmm.after midnight,take gd care kays.
don't want say it out.
don't go home so late wor.

take care hor!

4:01 AM

Thursday, August 9, 2007

today is my turn to blog!becoz of some problems,melissa help me to blog!thanks!
national day was yesterday but still wanna wish Singapore happy 42nd birthday!I dun know wat to say..erm..oh ya!1EA rocks!got so many great teachers and very gd friends..so glad that i transfer to broadrick!i got nothing else to talk about liao..what can we say?haha..anyway we are so happy to be 1EA.study together and learn together.hope you all will enjoy being in this class!!


9:35 PM

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Now, its MY turn to blog :D
National Day Eve today, and tomorrow is National Day! woohoo!
Have fun during the celebration(: Parade was TIRING but overall was okay.
Concert was TERRIFIC! Especially the Girl Guides cum Red Cross performance. Totally rocks mann! haha.
SICK in the afternoon and i had to stay at home recuperating.
Cant go out.. SAD. But nvm(:
Okok. As for the question Julien ask me in the previous post:
This cell is an onion cell. Animal or Plant cell? hmm..
It has cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus.. Cant really make up my mind if its animal or plant cell. hmm.. shall check on my textbook and tell Julien the answer when i see her. hahas.



4:06 PM

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

JULIEN JULIEN says: todays weather forecast is SUNNY!
what a wonderful weather to start a post (:

hehe! is it my turn to blog? dunoduno ><
dont want to write write so boring.. i want to write less see more ^_^
impossible? argh! see lor (:

lets go back in time to the maths lesson today ^^
this is the humourous jocelyn.. and miss han teaching her steps and steps to follow to draw the graph, and she did it correctly and miss han say its wrong!! poor thing ><
psps: legally taken (:

drive back in time to science lesson when we are decorating the notice boards
keven and mervin were playing with the BALLS.. ok balls..
no offence for those who innocently went into the pic ><
to mrlim: better whack them! yay!
psps: jkjk ><

ok this we really have to go back in time~~~//
remember the leaf experiment? where we were suppose to find starch in the leaf?
hehe, got a snap of faizah and siying with their professional looks (:
psps: no offence but siying looks adorable!! ><

hmm? lets teach science!
guess what cell is this? (:
plant or animal??
psps: this is really taken from the miroscope in the science experiment we did..
and ashley, siying and one more person i forgot who, can witness it
let me challenge u index no.8 which is regina~~ answer the question above when u blog tmr!
lets all see how much she had studied on cells (:

meichi meichi the cutie cutie!! i miss her in her uniform..
psps: she quitted rc and joined co ):
though i am happy seeing her every c.o. prac.. i still miss seeing her march ><

haizz.. today i never take much pics.. but looks like i amazed myself for finding such LONG LONG AGO happen the pictures in my handphone..
lets see if u have short term memory~ lala!

psps: is the tagboard still not inserted?

the 2days 1night camp not decided yet?
jiayous comittee (including me?) (:
i think everything is fine as long as the weather is sunny (:

ok can i ask?
tomorrow need to bring what ar? sorry, i suffer from short term memory loss (jkjk)


3:26 AM

Monday, August 6, 2007

Heyya 1ea-ians& Mr Lim =D

okayy okayy.
the science lesson today was terrific! Mr Lim and Mervin's Group save an egg each!
it was all about saving the egg from falling from the fourth storey.
aiya.. don't know how to explain.
its just.. something like that..yeahh
although our group(faizah,jul,ash,) did not "save" the egg.
but i'm sure we enjoyed it alot!
and, am i right, 1ea-ians?
=) thanks alot mr lim for making the lesson so GREAT.
although almost half the class have to attend the science lesson SHOELESS.
mainly because of the low socks we had.. =D

Reminder Reminder; Register NO.4&5 didnt blogg!!

                                                             with lots of love to 1ea.

4:33 AM

Saturday, August 4, 2007

just wanna say smth.
the science trail at changi village was super fun :D
i'm not blogging.
just doing this because there isn't a tagboard :\


3:21 AM

Friday, August 3, 2007

Wasn't easy teaching for the past week. Extremely busy trying to get the Math and Science Week going and still handle the daily work like tests and all.

Yet I guess its all worth it. It turns out to be really fun and engaging for the whole school. Especially when a bunch of teachers act like clowns to liven up the atmosphere.

Most importantly, I hope the students enjoyed the time and effort spent to make life in school a little more meaningful. My colleagues were great as well as we laboured together to make it a success.

I am also very encouraged by my class who gamely took up the challenge of organising a class camp and to also update this blog regularly. Its great to see this blog come to life. Bravo to Angel, Xueting and Ashley!
Thanks Melissa for connecting us all and for heading the class camp committee!

Hope to hear more from you all. Have to sleep. Last event tomorrow. Math and Science Trail @ Esplanade!

Mr Lim

9:47 AM

hello :D :D
took so long to get in ._.
cause i got so confused with the google account and stuff.
but melissa helped out, so thanks :D

performed the musical, juliana again today,
and really enjoyed it.
i'm like hoping we can..
perform it a hundred thousand times? :x
so fun :\

and yeah.
we really need to be more.
we're like,
all in our own dreamland.
we forget the others around us.
the boys are always playing, disturbing the girls.
and like, the girls are always screaming and running after them :x
though we have fun sometimes,
we still need to work together more.
& i hope the bbq might help,
it sounds fun :D
like, at the beach and stuff.
can play with water! :x

& thanks mr lim for always being there for 1EA :D
talk so much alreadys.
byebye! :D


7:04 AM


why did i forget to post?!!?
sigh... mrlim now punish me to write TWO thingy...
i dont even kow what to say...
nevermind... anyhow write bah!!!

angel wrote about the class right?
so i should do the same...
now what should i write???
ah! i know!

our class, other then not bonding with each other,
i heard from somebody in class that she do not like 50% of our class member!
thats a big amount!
probably the reason is because, some of them are irritating and many other reasons...

well lets work harder and be well-like bah x)

*sigh* do i have to write another one?


6:14 AM

Thursday, August 2, 2007

so it's like my turn to blog today cause it's the 2nd of the month.
uhm. so. hi. i don't have much to say.

1ea is a great class and all but we slack alot.
there's also another problem, we don't mix well.
we are not bonded, we don't do things together.
it's like, boys can't joke with girls and likewise.
we are somehow living in a world of our own?
whatever. i don't know what i'm writing anyways.

i hope that the BBQ that we kind of organised today will be realised?
and that we will be united as a class somehow.


2:57 AM


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Site opened since:a couple of mths ago(:
Site owner:1EA'o7 OF BROADRICK
other classes' members are welcome to tag
enjoy the songs:D

the ownerS

1EA 2007

%1 Ang Xue Ting.
%2 Angel Wong.
%3 Ashley Yeo.
%4 Pauline Chang.
%5 Debbie Chua Hui Lin.
%6 Foo Si Ying.
%7 Julien Lau Yu Lin.
%8 Koh Hui Shi Regina.
%9 Kok Xin Yuan.
%10 Lam Mei Chi.
%11 Melissa Kwan Shi Jing.
%12 Ng Yen Zhi.
%13 Ong Yi Ling.
%14 Siti Nur Faizah Bte Muhammad N.
%15 Teo Tan Lin Jocelyn.
%16 Yong Ying Yun Chloe.
%17 Zhang jun

%18 Chan Han Yong.
%19 Chew Ke Qin.
%20 Gabriel Phung.
%21 Gao Feng Feng.
%22 Jonathan Fong.
%23 Mervin Leong.
%24 Sean Loh.
%25 Seow Zi Xing.
%26 Keven Teo.
%27 Thio Eng Leong.

{Form/Science/SEL} Mr Jonathan Lim
{English} Mrs Saha
{Maths} Miss Han
{Chinese} Madam Gai
{Science} Mr JonathanLim
{History} Mr Rajan
{Geography} Mrs LeeSiuWah
{Literature} Mrs MabelSoh
{Music} Mr Nizam
{DNT} Mr Gan and Mr Salahudeen {Home Econs} Mdm Nooraishah/Mrs AliciaChen
{Project Work} Mr Lee
{Pastoral Care} Mr Ghazali
{Physical Education} Mr StanleyTan


dignified exit



  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • June 2007
  • July 2007
  • August 2007
  • September 2007
  • October 2007
  • November 2007
  • December 2007
  • January 2008
  • February 2008
  • March 2008
  • April 2008
  • August 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
  • December 2008
  • credits

    Layout made by Tiara!
    Most brushes used were from:Juvenilecasualty.net
    Thank you to the owners of the other brushes used.(I forgot their URLs.)
    Imgs used:foto_decadent